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Maia Hirasawa

Indie music lovers take note. I adore the "And I Found This Boy" video by Maia Hirasawa. Her heartfelt vocals and honest lyrics are part of the reason why I'm intrigued with Though, I'm Just Me (Thrive Records), her US album debut.

Credit: Johanna Svennson

She is a great example of just diving into truthful songwriting and jamming out good, classic tunes. She also arranged, produced, and recorded all her music. And she played most of the instruments. What a multi-talented Swedish tour de force.

Some other tracks to check out are: "My New Friend", "Say Goodbye", and "Gothenburg."

Reader Comments (1)

I heard Maia Hirasawa for the first time on a PRI podcast the other day. I went to her site and looked up a bunch of her songs. She's great! I really like her song, "Gothenburg", about where she lives in Sweden.
Thursday, March 19, 2009 at 7:07 AM | Unregistered CommenterDavid Silver

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