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Ciao Bella

The work day is not over and I'm already craving the new Ciao Bella flavors. They made their official debut at the Fancy Food Show back in January but I was too busy running around tasting too many things.
Malted Milk Ball

Luckily I got a chance to sample the Malted Milk Ball and Mango Banana sorbet at my leisure and I'm very happy to report that they are both winners in my book. I love the buttery flavor of malt in the first place so it's a done deal when the crunchy bits of malted chocolate balls and malted cream melted all over my happy tongue. I tell ya, it took some restraint not to devour the entire pint.

Chocolate Jalapeno

The Banana Mango is the perfect tropical blend of ripe Ecuadorian bananas and sweet Alphonso mangoes. So refreshing! The Chocolate Jalapeno, which I didn't try, is a West African chocolate mixed with jalapeno slices. Talk about having some heat for dessert.

I think I still have some of their awesome Dulce de Leche left....time for a gelato break now!

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