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The Perfect Puree of Napa Valley

I'm so happy that the Perfect Puree of Napa Valley has finally launched a retail line. Now home chefs can use the same premium fruit purees and concentrates used by top culinary professionals and mixologists! These gourmet flavorings (all natural, no colorings or preservatives - yay) will add sparkle to your entertaining plans, from spicing up your cocktails to adding oomph to your desserts.


The retail line is available in the following flavors: Mango, Prickly Pear, Raspberry, Strawberry, and White Peach (Concentrates: Blood Orange, Passion Fruit, Pomegranate). I LOVED the Mango puree. It's a great blend of varieties from Columbia, Ecuador, Mexico, Philippines, Peru, and India. I made a mango panna cotta last weekend and everyone inhaled the dessert in minutes. Yep, it was that good. Get the Mango Panna Cotta recipe here or see below. The White Peach is so delicate and refreshing - perfect for Bellinis and other fun drinks. I will try the Grilled Prawn Cocktail recipe soon.


Mango Panna Cotta with Strawberry Passion Fruit Salsa

Yield: 16 Servings
Source: Kim Massman, Executive Pastry Chef (The Marsh Spa, MN)

Mango Panna Cotta:

1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
7 cups heavy cream
15 oz. Mango, thawed
2 cups whole milk
2 tbsp. gelatin powder


1. Combine sugar and cream in saucepan and bring to a scald. Remove from the heat and add in the Mango puree. Let cool for 15 minutes.
2. Pour the milk into a small bowl (not metal) and sprinkle evenly with gelatin powder. Heat the milk/gelatin mixture in a microwave for 20 seconds and add to the cream mixture.
3. Reheat the mixture to a scald and then cool for 15 minutes.
4. Pour into 16 - 5oz. ramekins, cover and refrigerate for at least 4 hours or overnight. Dip each ramekin briefly into hot water to release the panna cotta.

Strawberry Passion Fruit Salsa:

2 lbs. strawberries, hulled and cut into uniform pieces
3/4 cup simple syrup
1/2 cup water
1 tbsp. Passion Fruit, thawed
1 tbsp. Strawberry, thawed


1. Combine all ingredients, toss, cover and let sit at room temperature for a minimum of 1 hour and maximum of 3 hours.
2. Serve with panna cotta.

Available in Northern California specialty stores including Whole Foods Markets, Andronico's, Draeger's, and Mollie Stone's. For a current list of retailers, recipes, or to purchase online, go to:

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