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Natural Remedies for Problematic Skin

Many factors can wreak havoc on one's skin - hormonal changes, stress, unbalanced diets and environmental damage can aggravate the delicate tissue. As a result the skin might react with irritation, dryness, and breakouts. Luckily there are natural remedies that can effectively address these common conditions and they can be easily found at home or a local health food store.

Acne: Tea tree oil contains strong antibacterial properties to fight acne. Lavender is another powerful essential oil to calm pimples and lemon oil is especially useful for breakouts associated with oily skin. Dab a drop of either oil on a cotton swab and gently apply to the affected area each night after cleansing. For those with sensitive skin, dilute with a couple drops of carrier oil (grapeseed or jojoba). If using lemon oil, avoid sun exposure for 12 hours after application.

Sensitive skin: Anti-inflammatory plant oils such as calendula and German chamomile are excellent for soothing aggravated skin. For a quick fix soak 3-4 chamomile tea bags with hot water, then let them cool down. Place them on your face while lying down for 15-20 minutes. You may also use the leftover tea as a toner.

Dry, aging skin: High in vitamins C and E, avocado oil is the perfect antidote to aging skin. Add several drops to the face at night as a deluxe moisturizer. Packed with antioxidants, argan oil is another superb remedy for preventing wrinkles. For a cheaper alternative, jojoba oil is a wonderful emollient for dry skin.

Lifestyle changes: Drinking plenty of water, proper exercise, and getting adequate sleep are crucial lifestyle habits to heal problematic skin. Avoiding processed sugar and refined flours is also key to reducing inflammation. Adding dietary supplements rich in omega fatty acids (fish oil, flax oil, avocado oil) will also battle aging skin in the long run.

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Reader Comments (4)

Awesome info. Thanks for sharing.
Sunday, March 18, 2012 at 11:53 PM | Unregistered
Ooh, will have to try that chamomile tea bag trick. So easy, too!
Thursday, March 22, 2012 at 8:47 PM | Unregistered CommenterCarolyn Jung
@ Carolyn - it's so cheap too! ;)
Monday, March 26, 2012 at 5:22 PM | Registered CommenterTami
Awesome info. Thanks for sharing.
Sunday, April 22, 2012 at 10:42 PM | Unregistered CommenterVita Logic Vitamins

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